Australian Festival Says No To Tarot

March 29th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Crystal QuartzCrystals, stones and anything tarot are unwelcome at the Ballan Autumn Festival.

Seven of eight festival committee members voted to ban a stallholder who intended to sell crystals, stones, tarot books and readings.

According to festival regulations, not only are alcohol, explosives and nudity prohibited, but so are products or services relating to the occult, black magic or devil worship.

And most committee members see crystals, stones and tarot cards as just that.

But others consider the ruling an attempt by Christian committee members to impose their religious views on a popular, publicly funded event.

Sarah Peckham was the only committee member who voted against the ban.

She also represents the Wombat Regional Arts Network and questioned whether the group would continue supporting the festival if it didn’t review its regulations.

She’d like it to be more accepting of different beliefs and to reconsider its position.

The festival is partially funded by the Moorabool Council. If it’s found that the actions of the festival are discriminatory, the mayor might consider withdrawing funding next year.

As of now, however, the issue is somewhat resolved.

The stallholder in question agreed not to sell the objectionable products and intends to offer natural therapies and massage instead.

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