When Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp first released his limited edition Tarot Waiting To Happen deck, he offered people a chance to get themselves drawn as one of the cards.
I asked if I could be drawn with my darling cat Carl JK as the Queen of Wands. Here’s the result! I love it!!
And I really like the deck too. It’s based on the Marseille Tarot, but instead of replicating the traditional images, McGregor imagined what might have happened just before the picture we usually see.
For instance, why is the Hanged Man hanging, and what was Justice doing before heading to court?
You can see all the cards at The Hermit’s Lamp website. I think there might even be a few copies of the deck still available if you’re interested in getting one for yourself.
And just a reminder, if you’re in the Toronto area and think you might want to visit The Hermit’s Lamp in person, please note, they’ve moved to a fabulous new home at 425 Vaughn Road.