The Aleatory Arcana

June 5th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Here’s another interesting Tarot project looking for some funding …

This time the theme is Tarot and music, and the project is called The Aleatory Arcana.

I can’t pretend to understand the musical theory behind what Anthony Bockheim is attempting, but it’s got something to do with the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin and his Mystic chord.

Bockheim has become entranced with the twelve tone matrix and serial music. It’s all about pitches and orders, rows and interval relationships. Too confusing for me, but he explains it all on his pledge page.

What I do understand though, is that he’s trying to use this system to musically represent the 22 cards of Tarot’s Major Arcana. And that really interests me.

In the video below, you can hear how he hears the Six of Swords. As he says himself, it’s not particularly easy music to listen to. But if you give it a chance, you might find a brand new Tarot landscape to explore.

As with all Kickstarter projects, gifts are offered to people who donate. A particularly fun one is for those who offer $100 or more to this project.

If you do, Bockheim will send you a personal three card reading in musical form, with score and music file. He won’t tell you the meanings of the cards, but lets them literally speak for themselves.

I love it. Good luck and good work Anthony!

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