The Hero Project

August 8th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

This Kickstarter project ends today, and unfortunately, I don’t think they’re going to be able to raise the funds they were hoping for this time round.

Still, I wanted to post The Hero Project video anyway because I just love what they’re trying to do and am hoping that toy designers Tucker Johnson and Wayne Losey don’t give up.

Action figures aren’t usually my thing, but I really like the idea of these ones. They’re mythological heroes (and sheroes) from around the world.

Starting with the Indian god Rama, they hope to move on to others like the Celtic hero Cuchulainn, Horus, the Sky god of ancient Egypt, and the Aztec air god Quetzalcoatl.

Female characters they’re considering include the Greek goddess Athena, Hawaii’s Pele, and Sita, a Hindu incarnation of the fertility goddess Lakshmi.

The Rama figure they’ve created looks fabulous, as do the sketches for all the rest.

I hope this project manages to come to fruition. I’d be thrilled to have my very own Bastet action doll.

To keep up with The Hero Project, follow them on Facebook. And watch the video below to learn more.

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