Cat in a Box

September 24th, 2017 § Comments Off on Cat in a Box § permalink

Cat’s sure like boxes, even when they’re way too small.

Here’s my sweet man, Carl JK, standing in the Science Tarot box … what a nut! (but it’s a great deck!)

Tarot and the Tao-Te Ching

November 23rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

There’s a section of the Tao-Te Ching that says:

“Return is the movement of the Way;
yielding is the function of the Way;
All things in the world are born of being;
Being is born of nonbeing.”

After reading that, I asked the Science Tarot how it might describe this concept.

The card I got was the actively ‘yeilding’ Hanged Man, or as it’s called in the Science Tarot – Potential Energy.

Part of the description for this card is, “The Hanged Man is like a precariously balanced bolder. The stillness and peace of the balance eventually transforms into the movement of kinetic energy.”


(the animation of Potential Energy is from horgworm’s youtube page)

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The Science Tarot

August 25th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

The Sceince Tarot

The Science Tarot

The designers describe it as ‘a creative science communication project that combines science, art and mythology into a Tarot deck…”

It’s the Science Tarot, a group project engaging the skills of artists, Tarot readers, and of course scientists. Various scientific theories or stories are identified with particular cards. The results are really interesting.

The 2 of Swords, for instance, looks at gravity, and how every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. The Empress is the story of Mendel’s Peas, and the 7 of Wands describes the process of expansion.

It’s a brilliant way to look at the cards. Not to mention, a chance to expand our rational side a little, while engaging the unconscious.

The website lists Logan Austeja Daniel, Martin Azevedo, and Raven Hanna as the creators.

While the artists involved are Suzanne Forbes, Shari Arai DeBoer, Kristian Johnson Michiels, Kristy Whitehouse, Janelle Schneider, and John Daniel.

I hear someone from the project will be presenting at BATS this weekend. I look forward to their talk, and a chance to get a copy of the deck.

Take a look at the videos below to see animated versions of the Hanged Man and Sun cards. And to see more, visit Horgworm’s YouTube channel.

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