Psychological Implications of Symbols: The Wisdom of the Tarot

June 6th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien

The Tarot Handbook

The first book I ever read about Tarot was the original version of The Tarot Handbook, by Angeles Arrien. At the time, I had just got a copy of the Thoth deck, also my first, and was rummaging around in a discount book store.

Arrien’s book was there, with images of my new cards pictured on the cover, on sale for only $10. Of course I bought it on the spot, and started figuring out Tarot Soul and Growth cards right away.

Her system helped me a lot. And at the time, it was one of the few books available on the Thoth deck. The one I got next was Crowley’s own Book of Thoth, which could have been a little intense had it been my first.

The reason I bring this up is that Angeles Arrien will be teaching a weekend seminar on symbolism and the Tarot, July 16 and 17, at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. I can’t be there, but I wish I could.

The seminar is called, Psychological Implications of Symbols: The Wisdom of the Tarot. Arrien will be looking at Tarot symbolism and how it can serve as a map of consciousness.

She’ll be exploring the meaning and significance of how symbols in the Tarot function as internal and external mirrors for our own various levels of consciousness.

Arrien is a cultural anthropologist, with expertise in psychology and comparative religions, and of course Tarot. She really knows her stuff. It’s going to be a mind opening weekend.

People at all levels of Tarot experience are encouraged to participate. And Tarot reader or not, it’ll be of especial interest to those in the counseling, coaching, teaching, management, and service professions.

It’s going to be good. Go if you can.

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