The New Tarot

May 24th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

There have been a number of new Tarot Kickstarter projects lately, and today I’m writing about another one.

It’s called The New Tarot and was designed by Warren Tusk and illustrated by Leslie Minnis.

What’s particularly interesting about this deck is that the creators don’t consider it just another version of the traditional Tarot, but rather as a sequel, or maybe a Tarot Pt. 2.

The New Tarot examines what might happen after the Fool graduates through the enlightenment of the World card. It looks at where he goes once he gets out into the ‘real world’ so to speak.

Tusk describes his deck as being ‘calibrated for outward-focused queries concerned with tangible goals and interactions between people….”

And in order to achieve his new vision, he’s come up with twenty-one new Major Arcana, including cards like Sanctuary and Fellowship.

The Minor Arcana has been completely revamped as well. No Cups, Coins, Wands, or Swords. The New Tarot explores life through the Suits of Keys, Chains, Masks, and Tomes.

Though I’m not convinced that the traditional Tarot is lacking when it comes to questions of a tangible nature, I think The New Tarot is an interesting idea, and hope that Tusk and Minnis raise the funds they need to make it happen.

Take a look at their video promo below to see what you think.

And visit The New Tarot Kickstarter page to see some of the cards, and to find out what goodies they’re offering to people who donate.

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