The Third Annual Esoteric Book Conference – seattle, sept 10 and 11

September 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Raimundus Lullus Alchemic Page

If you’re an occult book fan and happen to be in Seattle this coming weekend, check out the third annual Esoteric Book Conference, one of the biggest gatherings of its kind in the US.

Founded by William Kiesel, publishing director of Ouroboros Press, it’s the place to find books on every kind of esoteric wisdom, including of course, alchemy, magic, and astrology.

According to Kiesel, the conference focuses more on the books themselves than the belief systems they espouse. But a quick look at the presentations, art show, and performances suggests it’s a more magical event than he might be admitting.

Presenters include authors of books like Making The Mundane Magical: Aleister Crowley’s Magus Initiation and the Practice of Esoteric Hermeneutics and The Ladies of the Lodge: Women of Today’s Golden Dawn Speak on the Practice of Magick. I bet they’ll be talking about more than just bookbinding.

The seminars look fascinating, but if you only want to spend your afternoon browsing through all the incredible books, the book fair is free, and open to the public.

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