Tarot Card of the Day – 11/24/11

November 24th, 2011 § 0 comments

#9 - The Hermit from Gerogie's Tarot

#9 - The Hermit

Thursday, November 24, 2011
#9 – The Hermit

You might find yourself wanting to spend some time alone today. It’s probably a good idea. Take time to look within and see what’s up inside your soul.

Have things been moving pretty fast lately? Don’t worry, it’s finally going to slow down a bit, giving you a moment to clean house and tie up loose ends.

Trust your own experience through this period. It’s through an examination of your own personal journey that you’ll discover your inner wisdom. You probably know a lot more then you give yourself credit for. But you might need some silence to notice.

Give yourself permission to be quiet. You won’t be missing anything by taking a break. It’ll only make things more fun when you finally re-emerge from your cave.

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