Color is a very important element in Tarot. The colors in the cards can often deliver as strong a message as the image itself.
For instance, the orange and red of the RWS Emperor identifies his vitality, dominance, and high energy. It’s as if he’s on fire, though the armor under his robe is a serious steel grey.
The High Priestess wears a calm soft blue, like the energy she exudes. She’s like flowing water, or a cloudless sky.
And the Queen of Wands is dressed in yellow. She’s bright like the sun and not afraid to be noticed.
The short film below is called Color. It’s by Tom Sachs and Van Neistat and is a very entertaining survey of the comprehensive color code for Tom Sachs Studio.
Obviously Sachs takes color very seriously.
The film drew me in immediately by using a deck of cards to explain the palette, then went on to tell the story of white, green, yellow, red, blue, orange, and black.
Purple is mentioned briefly, but only to say that it’s completely banned from the studio.
And according to the credits, they got Satan, the actual Lord of the Darkness to narrate that segment.
Interestingly enough, a quick glance through the Rider Waite Smith deck shows a distinct lack of purple as well. I wonder if there’s a connection …
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