Stars Everywhere

December 27th, 2011 § 0 comments

#17 The Star from the Tarot of Marseille

On Christmas Eve, I posted a piece about the Star. Today I came across a magic trick that seems to turn everyone (or at least every card) into a Star.

Though card tricks aren’t typically my thing, I like the way this one plays out. The Tower, the Devil, and even Death are all miraculously transformed into the Star.

I don’t know if the magician in the video is aware of Tarot symbolism or not, but he chose his spread well.

The Star card represents renewed hope and healing after the darkest hours. And certainly Death, the Devil, and the Tower represent some of those dark times.

By changing them into the Star, it’s like he’s transforming darkness into light.

It’s a pretty nice message.

And not only does it manage to turn disaster, obsession, and grief into optimism and healing, it reminds us of something equally wonderful – that we’re all made of stardust.

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