The Stars

March 29th, 2012 § 0 comments

#17 The Star from the Smith Waite Tarot

In Tarot, the Star card represents healing, peace after a storm, and a renewed sense of optimism when everything seems impossibly dark.

I like to think of the woman in the picture as being Kuan Yin, or Tārā, a goddess of compassion and all-flowing love.

Imagining her in the sky at night shining down on all of us is really sweet, and that’s how felt when I watched the video below posted by Alex Rivest.

It’s a timelapse compilation of images from NASA’s space station focusing on the stars. There sure are a lot of them.

And if we look at them from a Tarot perspective, the message might be that even in the deepest darkness, the universe is strewn with love and hope.

The Stars as Viewed from the International Space Station. from AJRCLIPS.

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