I know I just posted about a Tarot Kickstarter project yesterday, but I’m going to do it again today.
Well, what I’m talking about today isn’t exactly Tarot, but it is a deck of cards meant to inspire and direct the inner vision.
The Vision Quest Photo Assignment Cards are a set of 36 cards with, as might be expected, a photo assignment on each.
The assignments include things like ‘Photograph Red’, and ‘Interpret the subject Love. No kids, pets, parents or partners. Go deeper …’
By using the oracular method to choose assignments, photographer and card creator, Douglas Beasley hopes to get creativity flowing and allow synchronicity to direct artists to their perfect task.
I love the idea! And combining two of my favourite things, picture taking and divination, in one stylish package certainly gets me interested.
And apparently, I’m not the only one. Beasley has already raised the money he was looking for to print his deck, so it’s definitely a go.
But you may want to support the project anyway, just to get your own copy.
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