Carnesky's Tarot Drome

July 27th, 2012 § 0 comments

Talk about fun with Tarot!! Carnesky’s Tarot Drome sounds incredible!!

Carnesky Productions, led by performance artist Marisa Carnesky, is putting together a Tarot spectacular in the Old Vic Tunnels below London’s Waterloo Station.

Contortionists, roller girls, rock stars – they’re all characters in a magical arcade dedicated to Tarot’s Major Arcana. The cards are alive!!

It’s up to you where you want to walk, what cards you want to interact with, and thus, what magical message you’ll be receiving.

It’s an interactive Tarot play!! In an amazing location.

Look what Carnesky’s Tarot Drome promises …

… a dreamlike journey taking you through giant penny arcades where slot machines and laughing police-men have been replaced by life-size characterisations from the major arcana of the Tarot Deck. You will attend a bizarre lecture where you learn that your hold on the present might not be what you thought it was. Your future is delivered to you in the form of a rock opera on skates.

Could you ask for more?

Carnesky’s Tarot Drome opens September 4th and runs through the 13th. You can get your tickets at the London 2012 Festival website.

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