
October 18th, 2012 § 0 comments

I would just love to have one of these Zoltar Fortune-Telling machines. They’re a little pricey so it’s unlikely I’ll be getting one any time soon, but wouldn’t it be fun?

They come in all sorts of different characters – cats, yaks, pirates, swamis, prospectors, former presidents … the list goes on. They’ve even got an Amelia Earhart.

Each oracle can dispense 16 different spoken messages and 23 printed ones.

If you customized it, you could have each of the spoken messages represent a different Tarot Court Card, while each of the printed messages could be from the Major Arcana (22 plus The Happy Squirrel).

What fun!! I know it’s a long shot, but I’m putting Zoltar on my Christmas list just in case. You never know, there might be one out there looking for a new home.

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