Tarot Card of the Day – 6/5/13

June 5th, 2013 § 0 comments

4 of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

4 of Cups

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
4 of Cups

Today it might seem like you’ve got it all, and yet there’s still something missing.  Emotionally, you’ve got plenty of support.  People around you love you and you love them back.  Despite it all though, there’s a nagging feeling that it’s just not enough.

Perhaps you’re fantasizing about a new love, a new friend, or at a new spark to make what you’ve already got even more special.

Examine these feelings carefully and determine what it is that leaves you slightly dissatisfied.  Are you being reasonable – or a bit of a brat.  Pay attention to what you’ve got and don’t forget to give thanks.

At the same time – if there is something missing, it’s missing and there’s no getting around it.  Meditate on what it is that leaves you wanting more and figure out whether or not it’s something you should pursue.

Remember though, what you wish for might just appear out of thin air – make sure you really want it?

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