Tarot Card of the Day – 10/28/13

October 28th, 2013 § 0 comments

#12 The Hanged Man from Georgie's Tarot

#12 The Hanged Man

Monday, October 28, 2013
#12 – The Hanged Man

This isn’t the day for action.  It’s time to slow down and take a close look at what’s been going on. And if you can do it from a different perspective – great!   Choose a comfortable place to relax and review what you’ve been up to.  It might seem like a sacrifice, but it’s well worth it.

Are there patterns in your life that seem to be becoming more obvious than usual? This is a wonderful time to pay attention to how you’re life’s been going these last three months or so.  Does it remind you of another time – maybe 12 years ago?

Look carefully at any people, places or things from your past (or that remind you of the past) that might unexpectedly appear. They might be highlighting particular areas in your life you’re repeating. Is it a repetition you’re happy with?

After you’ve done some review, start thinking about where you want to go next.  Your old ways are almost over.  Think about the new patterns you want to develop – you’ll be ready to start them soon enough.  For now, relax, review and let yourself imagine?

take a look at my animated Hanged Man —> the hanged man swings

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