Jupiter in Leo – the Wheel of Fortune Spins With Strength

July 16th, 2014 § 2 comments

Jupiter in Leo - The Wheel of Fortune Spins Strength

Jupiter moves into Leo today and will stay there until August 11, 2015.

In Tarot terms, it’s like the Wheel of Fortune is spinning with Strength, the Maiden and her Lion are about to take a ride.

The Wheel of Fortune asks us to shake things up and take chances, to move beyond our comfort zone and into a place where new opportunities can flourish.

Doing things the way you’ve always done them might still work, but changing things around and trying something a little different is likely to work even better.

And with the Wheel around, communication is at the forefront, especially activities involving publishing – electronic, or otherwise. Get your message out there and be ready to receive some new information back.

Strength, on the other hand, isn’t so much about change as it is about intensity – fire and passion are its main focus.

Rather than letting ourselves go this way and that with every passing fancy, Strength asks us to actively direct ourselves, to take control of our passions and get them working towards some worthy goal, something that matters to us on a soul level.

Getting ahold of our ego is part of the challenge, and it can be tough. But if we succeed, like the Maiden with her Lion, we can play with true power without being eaten alive.

The Wheel of Fortune and Strength are a formidable combination for sure, they represent positive new opportunities and the fortitude to make those opportunities grow into something real.

Jupiter in Leo, or the Wheel of Fortune spinning with Strength, can be an exciting time, a chance to move forward with something that fills you with enthusiasm.

And really, that’s the key during this period; to focus on those things that spark your enthusiasm, and challenge the way you’ve been doing things until now.

It’s not about abandoning your obligations, or ignoring necessities, but to look at your world with fresh eyes, to be open to doing things differently, and to take the spinning Wheel of Fortune into your own hands.

What do you want to create in your life? Whatever it is, this is an especially good time to make a wish, then make that wish real.

Keep your ego in check, your enthusiasm high, and your eyes open for new ways of doing things. It might be hard not to have a good time.

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