Saturday, May 11, 2024
#4 – The Emperor
You can expect a day of fiery energy and powerful determination. In whatever you do today, you’re encouraged to do it with strength and creativity – in fact it would be hard not to. Within your domain you’re the one in charge, so manifest your will.
What have you been wanting to create in your world? Start making it really happen!
While you’re encouraged to take your power and run with it, there is a challenge associated with the Emperor. Remember – not everyone might want to do things your way. Everyone thinks they’re right.
Sometimes you have to give a little. If you don’t, don’t be surprised if other people start rearing their own Emperor energy and you’re smack dab in the middle of a fight.
Masculine energy is strongly indicated with the Emperor card and issues surrounding males, especially those in authority are likely during this time. Stay strong and true and you won’t go wrong.