Tarot Jokes – Tarot and AI

November 8th, 2024 § Comments Off on Tarot Jokes – Tarot and AI § permalink

I tried ChatGPT again today … this time to see if it could come up with some clever Tarot jokes.

My Prompt: As a Tarot expert and master comedian, tell three Tarot jokes …

Answer: Here are three tarot-themed jokes for a tarot expert with a flair for comedy:

  1. Why did the Fool bring a ladder to the tarot reading?
    Because he heard he might be pulling the Tower card and wanted to get a head start!
  2. What’s the Hermit’s favorite kind of music?
    Soul searching tunes!
  3. Why did the Magician break up with the High Priestess?
    She had too many secrets, and he just couldn’t make them disappear!

Hmmmm …

So I tried again.

My New Prompt: Tell me three good tarot-themed jokes as told by a popular comedian tarot expert

Answer: Here are three tarot-themed jokes, delivered in the style of a witty tarot expert with a comedian’s flair:

  1. “I went to a tarot reader the other day, and she pulled the Death card…I freaked out! She said, ‘Relax, it’s just transformation.’ I said, ‘Cool, cool. So my bank account is transforming into something bigger, right?’ She pulled another card… ‘Five of Pentacles.’ Guess not.”
  2. “People say tarot readers can see the future, but let me tell you: I once predicted I’d go on a juice cleanse for a month… Then I pulled the ‘The Devil’ card… And bam! Two hours later, I was knee-deep in pizza rolls!”
  3. “When I first got into tarot, I thought I’d always pull the ‘Sun’ card – you know, success, joy, abundance. But after a few readings, I realized my spirit guide’s just trolling me with the ‘Tower’ card. Every. Single. Time. Now I’m like, ‘Can I at least get some popcorn before the chaos?’”

Hmmmm. Probably funnier than my jokes would be, but still … I don’t know.

The experiments will continue. Stay tuned.


Picture Prompt – Make me a picture of Georgianna’s The Tarot Room Toronto Hosting a Comedy Hour

Choosing the Right Card

December 8th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

Tarot readers should definitely not act like this, but it sure made me laugh. Take a look at this very funny video by Kate Lane called Choose the Right Tarot Card

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A Terribly Unsatisfying Reading …

August 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

There are more than a few curse words thrown around in the video below by SkitBox.

And I want to clearly state at the outset that the actions depicted by the Tarot reader in Shit Psychic and the Unsatisfied Customer are unacceptable and should be actively discouraged.

At the same time, the skit is pretty funny …

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Scary Cards

May 30th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

The video below by Just for Laughs is pretty silly, but it’s a good example of what not to do as a Tarot reader …

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