Mars in Cancer – Tower Takes a Ride on the Chariot

January 6th, 2025 § Comments Off on Mars in Cancer – Tower Takes a Ride on the Chariot § permalink

Mars in Cancer, Tower takes a Ride on the Chariot

Mars moved into Cancer yesterday and will stay there until March 31st.

From a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Tower is taking a ride on the Chariot. Lightening might strike, but the Charioteer just keeps moving forward.

Mars in Cancer, or the Tower taking a ride on the Chariot can be a period of powerful change, it’s movement that can seriously alter your direction.

Travel might be less predictable than usual, and it’s likely that unexpected circumstances will get you rethinking plans in general.

Don’t be afraid to change course if suddenly your first path is blocked. There’s a great deal of energy available now. Use the push to get things really happening.

Stay armoured, but keep moving. It could be an exciting time.

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Mars in Leo – The Tower as Strength

November 4th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Leo – The Tower as Strength § permalink

Mars in Leo, Tower as Strength

Mars moves into Leo today and will be there until January 6th, 2025.

Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Tower is tumbling around Strength and her lion.

Mars in Leo, or the Tower falling around the Strength’s feet can be a time of chaos contained.

Tempers might flare as unexpected situations arise, but you have the power to deal with pretty well anything that comes up. Just believe it and keep going.

See if you can harness the high energy to really make a difference, positively shaking up your life to get it more in line with your spirit.

Don’t fear change, embrace it and see how strong you really are.

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Mars in Cancer – The Tower Takes a Ride on the Chariot

September 5th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Cancer – The Tower Takes a Ride on the Chariot § permalink

Mars in Cancer, Tower takes a Ride on the Chariot

Mars moved into Cancer yesterday and will stay there until November 4th.

From a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Tower is taking a ride on the Chariot. Lightening might strike, but the Charioteer just keeps moving forward.

Mars in Cancer, or the Tower taking a ride on the Chariot can be a period of powerful change, it’s movement that can seriously alter your direction.

Travel might be less predictable than usual, and it’s likely that unexpected circumstances will get you rethinking plans in general.

Don’t be afraid to change course if suddenly your first path is blocked. There’s a great deal of energy available now. Use the push to get things really happening.

Stay armoured, but keep moving. It could be an exciting time.

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Mars in Gemini – The Tower Strikes the Lovers’ Angel

July 20th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Gemini – The Tower Strikes the Lovers’ Angel § permalink

The Tower's Lightening Strikes the Lovers' Angel - Mars in Gemini

Mars has moved into Gemini and will be there until September 4, 2024.

Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Tower’s struck the Lovers’ Angel. The heavens are shaking. Are the Lovers about to go for a tumble?

Mars in Gemini, or the Tower striking the Lovers’ Angel, can be a time of disruption in relationships, and mental attitudes. Commitments you thought were sturdy, might suddenly not seem so solid.

But paradise lost could actually mean freedom from choices that no longer satisfy.

New information and circumstances can ultimately lead to expansion of the mind and a deepening of commitment. A new solidity can be established, but the foundation is likely to shift.

Look at this period as a challenge to be as open-minded as you can. Ideas will likely be flying fast and furious. Options you hadn’t considered might soon seem quite reasonable.

Go with the flow. Liberation and illumination are possible. Not despite the chaos, but because of it.

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Mars in Taurus – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes the Hierophant’s Throne

June 9th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Taurus – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes the Hierophant’s Throne § permalink

Mars moves into Taurus tomorrow and stays there until July 20th.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it’s like the Tower’s lightening has struck the Hierophant’s throne. And his acolytes are tumbling down.

When Mars moves into Taurus, and the Hierophant’s stone throne is struck by lightening, we might find that what we thought was certain, no longer seems so obvious.

Belief structures might shift, and rules that used to make sense might now feel outmoded.

Old ways of seeing the spirit, religion or traditional structures are all up for review. As could be our perceptions about who really has moral authority.

Don’t be afraid of letting tradition for tradition’s sake fall away. And if an idol or two falls with it, that’s all right too.

It might be a bit chaotic for a moment, but this is your chance to find faith in yourself. Use it as an opportunity to start being your own last word.

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Mars in Aries – The Tower Strikes the Emperor’s Throne

April 30th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Aries – The Tower Strikes the Emperor’s Throne § permalink

Mars moved into Aries and stays there until June 9th.

Looking at this transit from a tarot perspective, it’s like the Emperor was sitting in his castle just as the lightening struck. His stone throne is exploding.

Mars in Aries, or the Tower as the Emperor’s throne, is likely to be an exciting time. What you thought would never change suddenly does.

It could just be a way of seeing things. Old ideas are shattered and inspiration to begin afresh becomes overwhelming.

Or things might really be changing. New circumstances present themselves without warning and the way you were approaching a situation no longer works.

Destroy inertia and create a new world for yourself. This is a time of great power.

Potentially challenging, yes. But also a chance to take charge in your life like you never thought possible.

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Mars in Pisces – Lightening Strikes the Moon

March 23rd, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Pisces – Lightening Strikes the Moon § permalink

Mars in Pisces, the Tower's Lightening Strikes the Moon

Mars moves into Pisces yesterday and will stay there until April 5th.

In the language of the Tarot, this transit could be described as the Tower’s lightening striking the dark landscape of the Moon. Its night sky has become unexpectedly bright.

Mars in Pisces, or the Tower’s lightening striking the Moon, is a great time to stir up the muck and start recharging.

Though you might rather avoid new ideas, situations, or even people, doing so could cost you the opportunity to see something more clearly than you had before.

Pay attention to flashes of sudden psychic insight you might experience, and don’t shy away from looking your emotional fears straight in the face.

Though new perspectives might throw you for a bit of a loop, you’re going to be fine. Follow your instincts and you’ll stay on path.

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Mars in Aquarius – The Tower Strikes by the Star

February 13th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Aquarius – The Tower Strikes by the Star § permalink

Mars in Aquarius, The Tower Strikes the Star

Mars will be moving into Aquarius and will stay there until March 22nd.

Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Tower striking around the Star. A shot of fiery energy has made its way into the night garden of the goddess.

Mars in Aquarius, or the Tower’s lightening striking around the Star, might be described as a time of energized benevolence.

It’s easier now to see how much we have in common with our neighbours, and how extending kindness beyond our usual circle of loved ones is good for everyone.

Let situations that might normally surprise, or even upset you act as opportunities to open up to more compassion, not shut it down.

It’s a fabulous time right now to amp up our empathy, and to set universal love on fire.

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Mars in Capricorn – Tower Strikes the Devil’s Lair

January 4th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mars in Capricorn – Tower Strikes the Devil’s Lair § permalink

Mars in Capricorn, the Tower's Lightening Strikes the Devil

Mars moved into Capricorn and will stay there until February 13th.

Looking at this transit from a Tarot point of view, it’s like the Tower’s lightening is striking the Devil’s lair.

Mars in Capricorn, or the Tower’s lightening striking the Devil’s lair, can be a time of powerful recharge.

If you’ve been stuck in an oppressive mindset, or in a situation where you’ve felt a lack of control, this is an excellent time to positively mix things up.

There’s a chance now to let go of rigid thinking and to break free of rules, self-imposed or otherwise, that serve only to dominate rather than to guide.

Be open to sudden illumination, and willing to take charge of your own material domain. You might not control everything, but you do control yourself. Don’t give your power away.

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Mars in Sagittarius – Tower Strikes Temperance

November 25th, 2023 § Comments Off on Mars in Sagittarius – Tower Strikes Temperance § permalink

Mars in Sagittarius - Tower Strikes Behind the Temperance Angel

Mars will be moving into Sagittarius and will stay there until January 4th.

From a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Tower’s lightening strikes behind the Temperance Angel. His usually tranquil environment is shaking up around him.

Mars in Sagittarius, or the Tower’s lightening striking behind the Temperance Angel, is a time of energized flexibility.

Though you might be surprised by some of the events swirling around you, you can find strength in the opportunity to let go of old ideas, situations, or relationships that might be hemming you in.

Take control, but be flexible. Attaching yourself too strongly to one particular concept or way of doing things isn’t necessary or even desirable right now.

Keeping yourself balanced as you take action towards change is more important. And for the time being at least, probably a lot easier and more productive.

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