To honour this magical day, and the fabulous cards it celebrates, I pulled a single card to add to the World’s Largest Tarot Reading.
It’s meant to represent what Tarot can offer the world this year.
Georgie Draws the King of Swords
The card I got was the King of Swords. Nothing sweet and fuzzy about this guy. I get the feeling that for 2011, the Tarot wants to be hardcore.
We can expect it to give us advice that’s straight and clear. This king isn’t mean, but he doesn’t mince words. And he’s sophisticated enough to say what he needs to without having to force his point.
Advice dealing with direction and mastery of the intellect is highlighted. In order to be an authority, you have to act like one. And per this king’s model, a leader is smart, clear, quick and decisive.
He’s got a scientific turn of mind and isn’t interested in either hocus-pocus or over-emotionality. His communication skills are brilliant, as is his deductive reasoning.
It looks like the Tarot wants to be taken a lot more seriously this year than it has been to date. It’s focused, directed and sure, and encourages us to be so too.
And maybe this is a call for more research to be done on how Tarot works. Not just how to do it, but why it works, from as rational a perspective as the cards will allow.
The Tarot wants to flex its intellectual authority this year. I look forward to seeing how it plays out.
May 25th is officially World Tarot Day. How will you make it special?
•Get a reading or give a reading.
•Buy a deck or give one away.
•Randomly choose a chapter from your favourite Tarot book and read it. Or try it with a book you’ve not yet started.
•Make up a spread, or throw your cards on the floor and read only the ones that fall face down.
•Join a Tarot group, or organize a meet-up in your own area, or on-line.
•You can start a Tarot journal, paint a Tarot card, or listen to a Tarot podcast (can I recommend Beyond Worlds.)
There’s so many things you can do to celebrate. But one thing for sure, check out the official World Tarot Day website.
Festivities are already in high gear. You can take part in the World’s Largest Tarot Reading, or submit a short video to the Tarot VideoWall. Just finish the sentence, ‘Tarot is ….”
And if you like finishing sentences, why not help save the Fool’s dog. Complete the sentence, “I believe the Fool’s Dog must stay on his journey because …”
This activity is kind of important. There’s talk that if the good people at World Tarot Day don’t get enough responses, the Fool’s Dog might just retire. What then?
And then there’s the Fool’s Fair. It’ll only be happening on World Tarot Day and it’s shrouded in secrecy.
There’ll be special offers, prizes, education and promotion available for only a few moments at a time throughout the day, all day.