Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Magician is wearing the Hermit’s clothes. He’s left his garden and is trekking through the snow.
The Magician has inspirational power. He’s focused, clear, intent on his goal. And he gets others excited about it with him.
He’s a master communicator, spinning words like silk, able to convince anyone of pretty much anything.
The Magician is quick, fresh, and eager to discover where his next idea leads. If it gets dull he moves on. There are infinite possibilities, no need to get stuck in anything that doesn’t inspire.
The Hermit, on the other hand, is an old man, wise and slow. He’s not at all concerned with being quick, fresh or starting new. He’s much more interested in digging in and seeing what he’s already got.
His wisdom comes from experience, earned day by day through a long life. Nothing much surprises him. He’s seen it all, both within himself, and in the world outside.
The Hermit’s a solitary walker, though not at all unfriendly. If you’re interested in where he’s going, he’s happy to have you along.
But he won’t push, and isn’t particularly interested in convincing you of anything, except maybe to look within yourself to find what you need.
The Magician has to really slow down when he’s dressed as the Hermit, and it’s not always easy for him. But he likes the meditative atmosphere of the mountain, and is confident he’ll leave it knowing something more about himself.
Mercury in Virgo, or the Magician wearing the Hermit’s clothes, is a time of intense internal clarity. You know what you know, and can see it with fresh eyes.
It’s a good time to clear out stale old perspectives. Shine light on your inner wisdom and don’t be afraid to let others know what you’ve found.
There’s a tension now between the old and the new. Use it to dig through past ideas and experiences. Not for nostalgia’s sake, but in order to figure out what’s worthy enough to revitalize, and what might as well be discarded.
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