Sun in Leo – Sun in Strength’s Clothing

Sun in Leo - Sun in Strength's Clothing

Sun as Strength

If we look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it’s like the Sun Child is dressed in Strength’s clothing. He’s traded in his horse for a lion, and has thrown on a light gown.

The Sun is victory, exuberance and unbridled joy. The naked child has made it through the night and can’t wait to celebrate.

Nothing is hidden because there’s nothing to hide. Shadows disappear, whether we want them to or not.

The Sun announces the end of a long cycle. It’s the promised harvest after a season of toil.

Strength is pretty sunny herself, enjoying the golden sky as she plays with her lion.

The maiden is in control, innocence conquering brute power. She doesn’t need to force anything. It’s finding the flow that matters most.

Strength is the ego uninhibited by conventionalities, but under the firm reign of compassion and love.

The Sun is particularly comfortable in the position of Strength. He’s right at home with the weather, and very much enjoys playing with the King of the Jungle.

The Sun in Leo, or the Sun dressed in Strength’s clothing is a time to shine. Even if you want to hide, there won’t be many dark corners to crawl into.

Creative energies are high, as is the confidence to share what you create.

Don’t be shy. As long as you keep your ego in check, it will be hard to go wrong.

Let openness and enthusiasm rule whatever it is you’re engaged in. There’s a lot of power in play, so enjoy.

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