'We Are Fools': A Visual Poem dedicated to the TAROT

June 10th, 2011 § 0 comments

There’s a Tarot film in the works. And after three and a half years, 22 different groups of people, and a journey across the United States, it’s almost done.

Maybe you’d like to help co-directors Zeljko McMullen and Severiano Martinez get it through editing and post-production?

‘We Are Fools’: A Visual Poem dedicated to the TAROT is one story with 22 parts. The actors were given bare bones direction in order let their own experiences fill in the meaning behind whatever card they were depicting.

Watch the clip below to see some of the film, and to hear what Zeljko McMullen has to say about it.

Then visit the Kickstarter page to help them out. They’ve got lots of ‘awards’ for those who do.

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