Spin the Wheel Spread

July 27th, 2011 § 0 comments

#10 Wheel of Fortune - Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Wheel of Fortune

As I mentioned yesterday, I just celebrated a birthday. That means I’ve moved into a new Tarot Growth year.

I’ve spent the last 12 months living with the energy of the Hermit. Now I’m ready to spin with the Wheel of Fortune.

From a period of solitude and inner learning, it’s now time for expansion, change, and hopefully, good luck.

For some advice on how to best use this energy, I’ve made a four-card Spin the Wheel Spread. It’s short but to the point.

Whether you’re moving into the Wheel of Fortune year or not, maybe you’d like to try this spread too.

Spin the Wheel Spread

•How can I expand on what I learnt from the Hermit?

•What could use some changing in my life?

•What action or attitude will best open me to new opportunity?

•What area of my life might be especially lucky?

The Wheel is spinning. It should be an interesting year.

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