Venus in Gemini – Empress in the Clothes of the Lovers’ Angel

April 11th, 2015 § 0 comments

The Empress in the Lovers' Angel's Clothing - Venus in Gemini

Empress as the Lovers’ Angel

Venus moves into Gemini today and stays there until May 7th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit is like the Empress is wearing the clothes of the Lovers’ Angel. She’s switched out her robes and grabbed some wings.

Venus in Gemini, or the Empress in the clothes of the Lovers’ Angel, is a fantastic time to commit to someone or something you love, or care about greatly. The blessings of Mother Earth are on side.

Assuming of course, you’ve explored all aspects of the issue, be they romantic, familial, professional or academic.

The Lover’s might be in love, but they’re no fools. They insist on looking carefully before they leap.

And during this time, we’re all encouraged to do so as well.

Explore everything that makes up the sensual world. Take part in life. Revel in it even. Then give some serious thought to all that you’ve experienced.

Learning more about the magic of the world won’t break its spell. It’s beauty will only become more awesome through educated eyes.

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