Mercury in Pisces – Magician in the Moon’s Clothing

March 5th, 2016 § 0 comments

Mercury in Pisces, the Magician Dressed in the Moon's Clothing

Mercury moves into Pisces today and will stay there until March 22nd.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Magician is wearing the Moon’s clothing. He’s all but disappeared except for his face.

Mercury in Pisces, or the Magician in the Moon’s clothing is a time when it’s possible for the unexplainable to be explained, or at least demonstrated more consciously than usual.

Use this time to connect with your unconscious, or those areas in your life you keep most hidden from even yourself. Then journal about it, blog, or talk with people you trust.

Dreams are likely to be a rich source of inspiration, and psychic communication enhanced.

Be wary though of silver-tongued story-tellers trying to convince you to buy something in the dark. It’s best to wait till day, and to look over the goods in the light.

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