Beyond Divination

January 23rd, 2025 Comments Off on Beyond Divination

Tarot Meditation

Whether you do it for yourself, or get a reading from someone else, having your Tarot cards read is fun, and interesting, sometimes therapeutic, and often validating and motivational. But reading cards isn’t the only thing you can do with them.

Here’s a short list of five non-divining activities you can do with your Tarot cards …

Creative Prompts – you can draw a card to inspire a storyline, character, picture, landscape … anything for which you might be looking for an extra boost of inspiration

Meditation/Affirmation – choose a card, either randomly or with intention, to use as a focus for meditation, visualizations, and/or affirmation building. And if you have a vision board … choose one or more cards that align with the goals you’re working towards and add them to the board.

Spell Casting – choose a card for its symbolic energies to incorporate into your spell work and/or rituals

Exploration – choose a card (or a few) and head out for a walk – see if you can find elements from the cards you’ve chosen out there in the real world (or like my Tarot Sightings Toronto – don’t even choose a card, just keep your eyes peeled for Tarot archetypes that might be hiding out there in plain sight)

Art Appreciation – choose a deck and just look through it, carefully and with curiosity, as if you know nothing about Tarot and have never seen the pictures before. Enjoy the artwork, and pay especial attention to the symbology and colours – look them up if you don’t know what they mean. Look them up if you think you do know what they mean … there might be some surprises.


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