April 20th, 2023 § Comments Off on Sun in Taurus – Sun in the Hierophant’s Clothing § permalink
The Sun moves into Taurus today and will stay there until May 21st.
Looking at it through the eyes of the tarot, this transit is like the Sun is dressed as the Hierophant. The nude child is putting on some heavy robes and getting serious.
The Sun in Taurus, or the Sun dressed as the Hierophant, is a time where you can confidently express what you believe.
Making decisions isn’t a heavy burden, but rather a task to be tackled with determination, and even a certain joy.
Take pleasure in the human expression of the spirit, in the things we make, feel and hold up as sacred.
Having faith is very human. Use this time to actively connect to what you believe in, and share it as if it were a song, or a really good joke. Have fun with it.
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September 23rd, 2022 § Comments Off on Sun in Libra – The Sun Dressed in Justice’s Clothing § permalink
The Sun moved into Libra and will stay there until October 23rd.
Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Sun Child is dressed in Justice’s clothing.
The Sun in Libra, or the Sun Child dressed as Justice, is a period of enthusiastic equilibrium, a time to energize by rebalancing.
Karma is exposed, and cause and effect are more obvious than usual. It’s a great time to figure out what effects you’d like to cause going forward.
There’s power in restraint, and in letting go. The creative process needs both, not too much, not too little.
The trick, of course, is getting the balance just right. Use this month to figure out yours, and shine while you’re doing it.
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March 20th, 2018 § Comments Off on Sun in Aries – the Sun in the Emperor’s Clothing § permalink
The Sun moves into Aries tomorrow and will stay there until April 20th.
From a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun is wearing the Emperor’s clothing. His scarlet flag is now his robe, and he’s left his horse for the throne.
The Sun in Aries, or the Sun wearing the Emperor’s clothing, is a time of fiery energy and exciting potential.
There’s new enthusiasm in the air, and you’re likely to be feeling motivated to start fresh and do things you’ve only been thinking about till now.
Mark out your territory and create the empire you’ve been dreaming of. But keep it transparent and as playful as possible, you don’t want to be a tyrant.
Take charge of yourself and make your world great. Let others do the same in their own way.
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November 22nd, 2017 § Comments Off on Sun in Sagittarius – Sun Dressed in Temperance’s Clothing § permalink
The Sun moves into Sagittarius today and will be there until December 21st.
If we look at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun is dressed as Temperance. He’s done up like an angel and is playing with water.
The Sun in Sagittarius, or the Sun dressed as Temperance, is a time of energetic harmony and balanced enthusiasm.
Use it to expose any imbalances that might be tilting you off kilter and gently readjust as required.
Have fun with the world around you, and be open to connections beyond the five senses. Preconceived ideas of what’s possible will only hold you back.
We can’t always see divine energy at play. Then the Sun shines just right and a rainbow appears.
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September 23rd, 2014 § § permalink
The Sun moves into Libra today and will stay there until October 23.
Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Sun Child is dressed in Justice’s clothing.
The Sun in Libra, or the Sun Child dressed as Justice, is a period of enthusiastic equilibrium, a time to energize by rebalancing.
Karma is exposed, and cause and effect are more obvious than usual. It’s a great time to figure out what effects you’d like to cause going forward.
There’s power in restraint, and in letting go. The creative process needs both, not too much, not too little.
The trick, of course, is getting the balance just right. Use this month to figure out yours, and shine while you’re doing it.
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